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Become Your Own Fashion Stylist

||Become Your Own Fashion Stylist
Become Your Own Fashion Stylist 2017-12-17T20:35:16+00:00

A one-day workshop for women to learn to style themselves through the art and science of dressing and accessorizing. They will get quick fix solutions to look slimmer, taller or shorter and will be able to create multiple outfits with lesser clothes. This workshop will help them to transform themselves and remove all confusions about what to wear and what not to.

Training Modules

Difference between fashion and style
  • How one has to curate from the fashion offerings what is suitable for one’s personal style and create a signature look
Role of Clothing
  • Impact of clothing on psyche
  • Different clothing needs, physical, psychological, social and aesthetic, and how it affects personal style
Different Clothing values
  • Clothing values and cues to identify the clothing values
Who is a stylist
  • Role of a fashion stylist
Body Shape Analysis
  • Characteristics of different body shapes
  • Practical training with professional tools for vertical and horizontal figure evaluation
Dressing solutions to flatter different body shapes
  • To create the illusion of ideal body shape for different body shapes, understanding areas to highlight or reinforce, and camouflage body variations
  • Ways to create illusion through clothes and accessories so as to appear tall, slim through countering and repeating techniques
Identifying personal and fashion colours
  • Colour theory and how to balance colours
  • identifying personal colours and basis that how to determine the fashion colours
  • Ways to create different colour schemes
  • Ways to wear bright colours
Face Shape Analysis and recommendations
  • Characteristics of different face shapes
  • Practical training for identifying different face shape
  • Hairstyle, collar/necklines, accessories, and eyewear recommendations
Shopping recommendations
  • Shopping recommendations basis the roles, goals, values, body shape, personal and fashion colours and face shape so that the the look is unique
Art of Clustering
  • Ground rules for creating a cluster
  • Creating many looks from limited number of clothing items
How to accessorize
  • Importance of accessories in creating different looks and changing the mood and message of the outfits
  • Using accessories to create focal points appropriate for different situations
  • Ways to create different looks using the same accessories
Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

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